The Next Education Workforce is global.
Education workforce challenges impede progress on education goals and outcomes around the world. Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College is taking a leadership role in the international conversation about how best to address these challenges.
Transforming the Education Workforce: Learning Teams for a Learning Generation
MLFTC faculty and staff collaborate with the Education Commission (the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity) on its global initiative dedicated to attaining the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 — ensuring inclusive and quality education and promoting lifelong learning for all.
Dean Carole Basile serves on the steering committee of the Education Commission’s Education Workforce Initiative, and MLFTC scholars Iveta Silova, Yeukai Mlambo and Ann Nielsen contributed to the global report, Transforming the Education Workforce: Learning Teams for a Learning Generation. The commission’s September 2019 report draws on evidence and innovations from education and other sectors to rethink the education workforce, and puts forward approaches for addressing immediate needs while also creating collaborative teams and systems for the future.
Redesigning the Education Workforce: A Design Thinking Approach
MLFTC faculty contributed background papers to aid the Education Commission’s work.
Silova, Mlambo and Nielsen wrote Redesigning the Education Workforce: A Design Thinking Approach to share design principles created to inform the process of redesigning the education workforce.
Education workforce fieldwork
The design principles developed by MLFTC draw on primary research in Ghana and Vietnam.
Mlambo and Nielsen, with input from Silova, developed Primary Research on the Design of the Education Workforce in Ghana, a Transforming the Education Workforce background paper, to share insight on the current education workforce that supports schools in Ghana.
Nielsen, Mlambo and Hang B. Duong wrote Primary Research on the Design of the Education Workforce in Vietnam, a Transforming the Education Workforce background paper that provides recommendations for an education workforce redesign to improve STEM education in Vietnam.
Partner with us
Contact the Office of Global Engagement for information about global partnership opportunities with ASU’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.
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