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School Leader Community of Practice

This virtual series is designed for school leaders deeply engaged in shifting to team-based staffing models.

The School Leader Community of Practice is a unique offering designed for school leadership teams interested in learning about and contributing to innovative staffing practices. This series is led by peers and driven by school-based challenges and successes, offering invaluable insights and collaborative problem-solving. If you’re ready to elevate your leadership and impact, join us. Participants are welcome at any session but are encouraged to attend all six to maximize their experience. Register at any time.

  • Who? School leaders and their team (principals, assistant principals and instructional coaches) directly supporting educator teams at schools participating in Next Education Workforce Launch Services
  • What is the time commitment? Six hours total: This is a series of six one-hour sessions that meets on Sept. 26, Oct. 24, Nov. 21, Jan. 23, Feb. 13 and May 15.
  • What is the format? Virtual via Zoom
  • What is the cost? Free for Launch Service partners
Not signed up for Launch Services? Contact the Next Education Workforce team to learn more about this offering and other professional learning to support your implementation of team-based models.

Date: Thursday, October 24 - May 15, 2025

Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Pacific
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Phoenix
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Eastern