Redesigning education for learners and educators
To deliver meaningful and equitable learning outcomes, we need to redesign the profession, the workplace and how we prepare people for both.
Why build the Next Education Workforce™?
The challenge
Nationally, teacher preparation programs have long seen declining enrollment. Teachers switch careers or retire early. They receive less pay and enjoy less social status than many other professionals. We ask teachers to be all things to all people at all times. The job is hard in specific ways that inhibit success. As a result, our education system does not reliably deliver quality learning outcomes and experiences for nearly enough people and communities.
Meeting the challenge
To build the Next Education Workforce, Arizona State University’s Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College works with schools and other partners to 1) provide all students with deeper and personalized learning by building teams of educators with distributed expertise and 2) empower educators by developing better ways to enter the profession, specialize and advance.
Explore Experience
Learn about the elements of team-based models and consider if strategic school staffing is right for your school or system context.
Plus, you’ll gain access to a virtual site visit to see team-based models in action. View upcoming dates, registration details and more.
From the blog
How teams are improving teacher job satisfaction and student academic support in Mesa, Ariz.
What happens when leaders and educators implement innovative, team-based staffing models in their schools and systems? Next Education Workforce™ models fundamentally redesign the one-teacher, one-classroom model to deepen and personalize learning for all students and...
Featured events
Strategic School Staffing Summit 2025
The Strategic School Staffing Summit hosted by the Next Education Workforce™ initiative brings together hundreds of people from across the education ecosystem to share ideas, strategies, practices and conditions that enable a more diverse, team-based education workforce.